Graphite and Gold - Hydrangea workshop
Graphite and Gold is a fan and beautiful enameling technique. In this workshop you will learn how to fire front and back of the copper shape in one firing using liquid enamel and enamel in powder form. How to achieve smooth enameling surface and preparing enameling surface for graphite drawing. How to transfer design on surface or how to draw your own Hydrangea flowers free hands. How to apply foils pieces. You will learn how to achieve three different processes in one firing – graphite drawings, foil application and sugar firing.
I am teaching this workshop with lead bearing enamels, but if you prefer lead free you could use them as well following workshop guidelines. You could purchase workshop kits on my website in Supply section under Shop at the top bar.
Workshop video and materials will be available for you to watch for at least 6 months in private Facebook group I will create for this workshop enrolled students only. It would be a place where you could ask questions, share your process pictures and concerns and beautiful finished pieces. My students are my extended art family. I would like to hear from you what do you think about this workshop as well as my other workshops if you took any.