AOY Art Center Small Works Art Show Spotlight in Yardley Voice.
Artist of Yardley third Members Spotlight Show is in the news. https://www.buckslocalnews.com/entertainment/aoy-art-center-presents-third-members-spotlight-show-announces-our-towns-student-coloring-contest/article_b8a06022-a75d-11eb-b532-bb4386abf196.html
I was honored two have two of my pieces published in new enameling book by Karen L Cohen
My article on enamel painting techniques in Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist Magazine, December 2017. Yes, I am a cover girle.
Honored and happy to share that my work has been featured at the Ganoskin Orchid newsletter to artists: http://us7.campaign-archive2.com/?u=49d30fb805866848589433366&id=56bd6fa0a3
Publication about me and my art at The Qiu Magazine www.www.theqiumagazine.com/?p=13906 on April 10 2017
This necklace was featured in Cre8tivefire.com in gallery of Metal Clay designs www.cre8tivefire.com/gallery-of-metal-clay-designs/
Spring Summer issue of Niche magazine and I am officially a cover girl.
Botanical Black and White Gingko Leaves necklace was juried into ALCHEMY 3 Transformation in Contemporary Enamels The Enamelist Society Juried Exhibition
Image of Jessica Calderwood I took during visit to Little Greams in Glass and Metal at Fuller Museum, was published on ACC web exclusive by Hal Nelson and Bernard Jazzar in The Enamelist Society's 15th Biennial Conference and Exhibition re-cupp. (http://craftcouncil.org/sites/craftcouncil.org/files/Jessica-Calderwood-Smoking-Boy.jpg)
Few of my sculptured pieces bellow made it into online publication www.cre8tivefire.com.
September 5, 2014
Interview with Art Business Institute.
Interview with Art Business Institute.
"Summer Garden" necklace was published in Gallery section of Metal Clay magazin
On August 17, 2014 my work was featured in an online magazine Luxsibition. www.luxibition.com/lara-ginzburg-dramatic-use-color-shape-texture/
This photo of my pendant is featured in the "HandmadeinPA" blog about the New Hope Winery Show on August 12, 2014. www.handmadeinpa.net/2014/08/fine-crafts-at-the-winery-sept-6-7/
The picture of the link for "A Hundred for One" and a little blurb, were posted in Courier Times April 25th, 2014.
The picture of my link for "Hundred for One project" was featured in “The Intelligencer"; a Bucks County newspaper from April 25, 2014.
A little blurb about my piece on exhibition in Tokyo, Japan and a publication in a Czech enameling book were noted in the Enamellist Society Newsletter (Spring 2014)
It was great to see my work on the poster for an exhibition at the "Show of Hands Gallery 8"; in the heart of downtown Philadelphia; located at 1006 Pine St. Philadelphia, PA 19107
My first write up was published in the Enamel Guild North East Newsletter (Volume 22/Number 1, 2014). It is all about workshop with Larissa Podgoretz at the 2013 Enamellist Society Conference in Covington, KY. I also took all the images.
A little blurb about my piece in exhibition in Tokyo, Japan was noted in the Enamel Guild North East Newsletter (Volume 22/Number 1, 2014)
One of my necklaces was featured in a book about enamel and enameling techniques in Czech language.
Smalt (Enamel in Art: Historical and Current Technology), Magdalena Urbanova, Grada Publishing,
Czech Republic, September 2013
Smalt (Enamel in Art: Historical and Current Technology), Magdalena Urbanova, Grada Publishing,
Czech Republic, September 2013
This piece was juried into 13th Silver Accessories Contest exhibition at Tokyo, Japan and published on page 24 in the exhibition catalog.
This photo of my pendant was featured in the "HandmadeinPA" blog about the New Hope Winery Show on August 14, 2013.
My necklace Black and Orange was featured on AOY Annual Members Show poster.
Below is a link to "Phillyburbs" about first annual show in the Bucks County chapter of PA Guild of Craftsmen with a few words about me, an upcoming show, and pictures of my jewelry. (August 21, 2012)
Similar to the above publication appears in another local paper; the "Courier Times" at around the same time.
One of my first publications in Gallery of Artist Metal Clay Magazine. (February, 2012)
The very first publication of my jewelry. (Wire jewelry magazine, 2008)